The information used to calculate your credit score comes entirely from the information in your credit report. Credit scores indicate to lenders how likely it is that you will fail to make [...]
Check fraud is on the rise. Scammers are able to produce fake checks that look convincing with the help of cutting-edge technology. You may wonder how to tell if a check is fake, what to do if [...]
Reduce YOUR Chances of Losing Money to Scams The scammers are getting more and more skilled in how they target us. A few simple precautions in various areas of YOUR Life will help to protect [...]
As your parents age, your role as a child reverses. You will always be their child but now that they are getting older, your parents may not be up to par with all that is going on in the world [...]
High School Seniors are getting ready to graduate, head off to college and out into the world onto their own. How exciting! You may even be getting your very first credit card. You will need to [...]
Debt relief companies attract customers using phrases such as: “You’re Pre-Qualified”, “Virtually Eliminate Your Debt”, “Pay No Fees until your debt is [...]
Many companies have done away with pensions. Unfortunately, many individuals do not have the means to save for their retirement or they have not planned ahead and are now faced with the question [...]
Credit Reports help you spot areas where you need to improve your finances or errors that you need to dispute and/or correct. These errors can have a big impact on your credit score, and [...]
Car Buyers’ Worst Mistakes How much money do you think educated car buyers can save over uneducated buyers when buying the same car? Would $5,000 get your attention? While you may not save as [...]
A Budget is Helpful for Everyone Budgeting is an important factor in having good financial health. It is the one tool that puts you in total control of your money and how you spend and save your [...]